Pension Update: Are you a former government employee? Do you get a pension from the government every month? Then this article is for you. Ever since the government has implemented the new pension scheme UPS, digital fraudsters have also become active these days. There are a lot of fake calls regarding pension. If you also get such a call, then be careful, because nowadays pensioners and family pensioners are getting phone calls. 

Also, they are being pressured to know the information about the account. Callers are asking for PPO number, date of birth, and bank account information. The government has said to not share your personal information with anyone. Otherwise, your account may be empty in a moment.

Beware of frauds

When people started getting more calls, the Central Pension Accounting Office came to know about it. Because the caller is calling only by posing as an officer of the Central Pension Accounting Office under the Ministry of Finance. The office issued a statement, which said that fraudsters send forms to pensioners and ask them to fill them out. Along with this, he also threatens that if he does not fill out this form, then the pension will stop from next month. So do not fall into their trap.

Meanwhile, the Central Pension Accounting Office has appealed to pensioners to be vigilant. CPAO pensioners or family pensioners have been asked not to share their PPO number, date of birth, and bank account details with anyone. Because no one from the CPO calls like this, it is a completely digital fraud.So do not fall into their trap.

UPS pension system

Recently, the central government approved UPS by changing NPS. The government also mentioned five major features of a unified pension. The pension assured will be 50 percent of the average salary of the last year. Employees will be given pension as 50 percent of the average basic pay of the last 12 months before their retirement, i.e., if an employee used to get ₹ 5000000 basic pay in the last year of his employment, then he will get pension in the same proportion on the job, less than ₹ 2500000 every month after retirement. 50 percent of the average basic pay pension will be given to those who have been in service for 25 or more years.

If the pension is less than 25 years and more than 10 years of service, the pension will be commensurately less. Those who have 10 years or more jobs will get a minimum pension of ₹ 1000000. If an employee has worked for more than 10 years and less than 25 years, then his basic pay will be reduced to at least ₹ 1000000 in pension.

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