PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana 2024:The central government had started PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana some time ago to give a bright future to millions of farmers of the country and increase their income.

but now major changes have been made in this scheme. which will be implemented from 2024. Under this scheme, up to 80% subsidy will be given on irrigation equipment to give maximum benefit to the farmers of the country. which was earlier 50%.

With such a big change in the scheme, millions of farmers will benefit. This scheme is important for all the farmers. because now they will get better irrigation facilities at a lower cost, which will not only increase the yield of crops but will also increase their income.

PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana 2024

The Government of India has started the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) to provide irrigation facilities to the farmers of the country and improve water shortage. This scheme was started in 2015-16 and its objective is to provide water to every farmer. Now the price of agricultural equipment has increased as compared to earlier.

which is having a bad effect on the income of farmers. In such a situation, to improve their standard of living. the subsidy has been increased to 80% in 2024. This means that farmers will now have to spend less money from their pocket to buy irrigation equipment.

Earlier the benefit of this scheme is given to the farmers of some selected states. but now in 2024 this scheme has been implemented for the farmers of the whole country. Under the Agricultural Irrigation Scheme. new irrigation equipment like drip irrigation. sprinkler irrigation and solar pump have now been included. These equipment will help in improving the efficiency of water use.

Benefits of the scheme

The changes made in the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) 2024 will greatly benefit the farmers of the country. Now farmers of all categories can take advantage of micro irrigation systems like drip irrigation. mini/micro sprinklers and portable sprinklers. Installing these irrigation systems can cost approximately this much.

How to apply?

First of all, farmers have to visit the official website of the Agriculture Department.

Go to the Irrigation Scheme option on the home page of the website.

Now a new page will appear in front of you, where click on the “Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Micro Irrigation)” option.

As soon as you click, the application form will open in front of you, where you have to enter your name, address, district etc. and also attach the necessary documents.After filling all the information, submit the application form.