Right now Savings become very important for every person. And the sooner you start saving, the more benefits you get. Today we will tell you about some such schemes of the post office. With which you can make your son’s future. So let’s know about these schemes. These schemes of the post office can improve the future of your son if you want. 


Child Life Insurance Plan

The first plan we are talking about is the Child Life Insurance Scheme. This is a post office scheme, in this scheme, parents have to invest Rs 6 daily. Under this scheme, parents can buy it for their two children. That is, if someone has three children, then he will not be able to take advantage of this scheme. This scheme if you are taking this plan for 5 years. Then you have to pay Rs 6 daily. At the same time, if you take this plan for 20 years, then you will have to pay Rs 18 as a premium daily.


National Savings Certificate

The post office scheme is quite popular in India. In this scheme, Rs 100 is the minimum amount and the maximum amount is nothing i.e. you can make a monthly installment of as many rupees as you want. Talking about the same interest rate, interest is paid at a compound rate of 7.7%. This account can only be opened by people above 10 years of age. If parents want, they can open an account for their son. Its duration is 5 years.

15-Year Public Provident Fund Account

This post office facility can give parents very good returns for children. Under this scheme, 7.01 compound interest is available annually. The minimum amount fixed in this scheme is Rs 500 and the maximum is one and a half lakh i.e. you can set this plan according to your convenience. To deposit money, you can either fill it through installments or you can fill a cool amount once a year.