Even now, there are millions of farmers in the nation who encounter numerous financial challenges while cultivating crops. Numerous farmers utilize diesel-driven pumps to water their crops. Nonetheless, a significant portion of the farmers’ earnings is utilized for purchasing diesel when using diesel pumps for irrigation. In such circumstances, farmers fail to achieve significant profits from the crops they grow. Simultaneously, pollution levels are elevated because of diesel-powered pumps, negatively impacting the environment.

Governments are promoting the use of solar energy and electric-power

With this in consideration, the central government and numerous state governments in the nation are promoting the use of solar energy and electric-powered agricultural pumps among farmers. Agricultural producers save considerably by utilizing solar energy and electric-powered irrigation pumps. In addition to this, it will furthermore decrease pollution. Simultaneously, there is significant news for the farmers residing in Madhya Pradesh. Farmers in Madhya Pradesh can obtain a permanent pump connection for agriculture for only five rupees.

Pump connection for only 5 rupees

This proposal is being extended to the farmers in Madhya Pradesh by the power company. Madhya Pradesh Electricity Distribution Company will provide agricultural pump connections to rural farmers in Madhya Pradesh for five rupees. Farmers residing near accessible power lines will receive permanent agricultural pumps. Officers operating at the grass roots will handle the task of completing new forms for users in the Saral Sanyojna Portal.

As per the guidelines set by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, farmers in rural regions will receive agricultural connections for only Rs 5, with the service line to be established by consumers from low-pressure poles. A security fund of Rs 1200 per horse will be included in the consumer’s initial bill.