Rare ₹10 Notes: The older and more unique the things are, the higher their price. In today’s time, people fond of antique things are looking for such things all over the world, which have some connection with history or which are very difficult to find at present.

In this article, we are going to tell you about one such special note, by selling which you can earn lakhs of rupees. Yes, we are talking about the ₹ 10 peacock note, which is worth lakhs in the market today. This opportunity is a golden opportunity for those who want to strengthen their financial position.

Earning lakhs from ₹ 10 peacock note

In such a situation, if you too are fond of collecting old notes or coins, then this can prove to be a great opportunity for you to earn extra money. In today’s time, there is a huge demand for old notes or coins in the market, by selling some special types of coins and notes, people are easily becoming lakhpatis sitting at home.

However, these notes have some special features that make them different from other notes, such as the serial number written on the note, the date of release, or some special shapes made on them. Such demand can range from ₹5 notes to ₹100 notes or coins. In such a situation, if you have a special ₹10 note with a peacock shape, then you can earn lakhs of rupees by selling it. This note can become a means to make your dreams come true.

These special numbers should be on the ₹10 note

If you have an old ₹10 note with a unique peacock shape, then you have to keep in mind that a special serial number should be printed on it. The special number written on this note should be 786 or 777, 555, 888, 333. The note with the serial number 786 is considered very lucky for the people of the Muslim community.

Apart from this, people of Jainism give great importance to the note with the number 9, due to which this note is always in demand in the market and buyers are also ready to pay a good price for it. In such a situation, if your deposited coins or notes have this special type of serial number or shape, then you can get up to Rs 10 lakh through it. This note can help strengthen your financial position.

Earn lakhs of rupees by selling ₹ 10 note here

You can sell your old ₹ 10 peacock-shaped note on online platforms for buying old notes. These include online international platforms like eBay, Quikr, and Coinbazaar, where you can complete the registration process and sell your note to the buyer for a price of lakhs. After registering on these websites and uploading photos, buyers themselves contact you to buy the note. This process can be very convenient for you.

Registration Process on Online Platform

To sell your note on the online international platform, you can register on any of the platforms mentioned above, for this you will be able to learn the process of online registration by reading the steps mentioned here.

  • For this, first of all, you should find the official websites of platforms like eBay, Quikr, or Coin Bazaar.
  • Here you have to complete the registration process by clicking on Register for Old Note Sale Online 2024.
  • After registration, you have to verify your mobile number by filling in your personal information.
  • Now your account will be created and you will be able to operate the website.
  • Here you have to upload the photo of your ₹ 10 note to be sold.
  • This photo of yours should be very clear and of good quality.
  • After this, you have to enter the details of your note and give the information.
  • Now you also have to give details like your mobile number and EMAIL ID.
  • In this way, the registration process for selling your note will be completed.