Every person wants to save money from their income, but due to high expenses, they are unable to save. The Indian Postal Department is running a scheme through which you can save lakhs of rupees in five years. If you deposit a fixed amount every month in the Postal Department, in a few years, you will receive a sum along with lakhs in interest, which will be very useful for your life. To take advantage of this scheme, you should contact your postman, who will immediately provide you with all the information about it.

Post Office RD Offers Great Benefits

The scheme, known as RD (Recurring Deposit), allows you to deposit money every month. According to the officer, you can start this RD with as little as Rs 100. Moreover, if you deposit Rs 15,000 every month, you can accumulate Rs 10,70,000 after five years through this scheme. In just a short time, you can easily save lakhs through this post office scheme.

You Will Get 6.7 Percent Interest Annually

The post office mentioned that people do not need to go anywhere to avail the benefits of this scheme. You can open an RD at any nearby post office and deposit small amounts regularly. This scheme offers 6.7 per cent interest annually, which will be added to your account every three months. If you deposit Rs 15,000 each month, you will have Rs 10 lakh saved over 60 months. You will earn Rs 1,70,492 as interest on this amount. To open this RD, you will only need your Aadhaar card and PAN card.

How to Apply for Post Office RD

  1. Visit the Nearest Post Office: Go to your nearest post office offering the RD scheme.
  2. Provide Documents: Submit Aadhaar, PAN card, and address proof (if needed).
  3. Fill the Form: Complete the RD application form.
  4. Deposit Initial Amount: The minimum deposit is Rs 100/month; you can choose a higher amount.
  5. Choose Tenure: Select the duration (typically 5 years).
  6. Receive Account Details: Get your passbook or receipt to track deposits and interest.
  7. Start Monthly Deposits: Continue monthly payments until maturity.

Disclaimer: This news and information are based on 2024 data. Times Bull will not be responsible for any financial investments made, as it is entirely your responsibility. Please consult a financial advisor for better guidance.

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