Flexi Fund: A flexi cap fund is a category of mutual fund that allows for investment across various company sizes (large cap, mid cap, and small cap). Flexi cap funds represent a great choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and achieve substantial returns by investing in firms of various sizes. Nonetheless, this fund is susceptible to market risks, so investors should consider their financial circumstances and objectives before investing. The unique feature of a flexi fund is that

Benefits to invest in flexi fund

The management of this fund’s portfolio is adaptable. In a flexi cap fund, the fund manager can choose to invest in companies of various sizes based on prevailing market conditions. This fund offers a mix of stability in large-cap firms and the potential for substantial returns in mid-cap and small-cap firms. This fund can thrive even amidst market volatility, since it has the ability to invest in various companies. Flexi cap funds are beneficial for investors aiming for long-term wealth accumulation. In a flexi cap fund, fund managers evaluate various sectors and companies, investing in those according to their potential, management quality, and growth prospects. When the market is steady, fund managers can allocate more funds to large-cap firms.

Conversely, when market growth potential rises, they can put their money into mid and small cap firms. As this fund also puts money into mid and small cap firms, the effect of market changes might be greater. For investors to achieve favorable returns from this fund, they must commit to a long-term investment. The success of the fund relies solely on the decision-making skills of the fund manager.

These funds have given highest returns this year so far:

  •  HDFC Focused 30 Fund – 34.55%
  • HDFC Flexi Cap Fund – 34.73%
  • Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund – 37.57%
  • ICICI Prudential Retirement Fund – 36.75%

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