Rs 5 Old Note: You can sell 5 rupee notes to earn money. The demand for 5 rupee notes is increasing in the global market. One note can be sold for up to 7 lakh rupees. If you want to sell it in the international market, you must first know the speciality of the 5 rupee note.
If the note fulfils all your conditions at home, it can still be sold for a hefty price. Even before this, people earned money by selling 5 rupee notes. Therefore, it is essential that people can sell 5 rupee notes before selling them. First, we need to know the critical conditions related to it.
Speciality of 5 rupees
Do not learn about the speciality of the 5 rupee note in international and inkjet forms; you will get 7 lakh rupees in exchange. First, the 5 rupee note must have the serial number 786 written on the front and a picture of Mahatma Gandhi printed on it. The signature of the RBI governor is also required on this note.
On one side, there should be a picture of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, and on the other, there should be a picture of a farmer and a tractor ploughing the field. One note can be sold for Rs 7 lakh and four notes for Rs 28 lakh. People will not face any problem with this. You can quickly go to eBay and sell the notes. For this, you must have a mobile or laptop.
How to sell a Rs 5 note?
To do this, people musfirst t go to and register as sellers.
You must upload a clean photo of the Rs 5 note on
After this, customers will contact you themselves.
People can sell the note by making a deal at the price they want.
The claim of the sale of the Rs 5 note is being made through a post going viral on the Internet. has also published this news based on social media. Before selling notes, you should know some essential things because RBI does not consider the sale of notes through any institution as legal. If you become a victim of fraud, you will be responsible for it.