The Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Yojana was launched by the Government of Maharashtra in 2024. Through this scheme, economically disadvantaged students in Maharashtra will receive up to ₹60,000 per year to cover accommodation, food, and living expenses to continue their further education.
The main objective of this scheme is to support students who are unable to study outside their hometowns due to financial constraints. Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Yojana aims to alleviate these problems by providing financial assistance for food, accommodation, and living expenses. The total amount of ₹60,000 may vary depending on the city.
Throughout this article, we will share all the details regarding the Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Yojana. Here, you can learn how to apply, the necessary documents, the official website, the benefits of the scheme, eligibility, and more.
Benefits of Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Scheme
- Under this scheme, OBC students from both rural and urban areas will receive Rs 60,000 per year to pursue higher education.
- The beneficiaries of the Dnyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Yojana will include students from Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, Nomadic Tribes, and Special Backward Classes.
- This scholarship scheme aims to motivate economically disadvantaged students to pursue higher education. By availing of this scheme, students will be able to meet their educational needs and purchase necessary study materials.
- The amount will be transferred directly to the student’s bank accounts through DBT.
- Under the Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Scheme, around 600 students from each district will benefit.
Eligibility Criteria for Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Scheme
- The applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra.
- The annual income of the applicant’s parents should not exceed Rs 2.5 lakh.
- For students in the disabled category, a certificate confirming more than 40% disability is required.
- Students applying from the orphan category must have an orphan certificate issued by the competent authority from the Women and Child Welfare Department.
- The applicant must be studying in a city away from their home and staying in a hostel or rented accommodation.
- Students must maintain at least 75% attendance in college.
Required Documents for Gyanjyoti Savitribai Phule Aadhaar Yojana
- Aadhar Card
- Certificate of Domicile
- Income Certificate
- Caste Certificate
- Proof of Admission to School or College
- Notarized Affidavit confirming rent and residence at non-local accommodation
- 10th and 12th Marksheet
- Mobile Number
- Bank Account Passbook
- Passport Size Photograph
- Orphan Certificate for Orphan Category and Disability Certificate for Disabled Students.