Team India’s star player Shubman Gill’s performance during the Australia tour did not meet expectations. However, putting the past behind him, he is now focused on making up for it in the upcoming matches. For now, he is enjoying time at home with his family. On the special occasion of Lohri, Shubman Gill celebrated the festival with great enthusiasm in his new luxurious house, surrounded by his family. He shared this joyful moment with his fans by posting pictures on social media.

Gill’s First Lohri in the New House

The Lohri festival was celebrated across the country on January 13, and Shubman Gill was seen with his family on this special occasion. He marked his first Lohri in the new house, celebrating the festival with his loved ones. The following day, January 14, Gill shared pictures and a video on his social media, where his family members can be seen preparing to light the holy fire.

The Price of Gill’s New Home

Shubman Gill posted seven pictures and a video on his Instagram, capturing moments of his family watching the holy fire burn. Along with his parents and sister, other close family members also appeared in the pictures. The star batsman shared a heartfelt caption with the post, saying, “New house, old traditions. First Lohri in the new house with lots of warmth, happiness, and many thanks.” The price of this luxurious house is reported to be in crores.


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Father’s Sacrifice: From Leaving Home to Building a Palace

Shubman Gill’s father, Lakhwinder Gill, played a crucial role in shaping his cricketing career. Although he aspired to be a cricketer himself, he couldn’t pursue that dream. Instead, he made great sacrifices to help his son achieve his goals. Originally from Fazilka, Punjab, Lakhwinder left his home and moved to Mohali for Shubman’s cricket training. In return for his father’s sacrifice and dedication, Shubman has now gifted his family a luxurious home.

Following His Idol Virat Kohli’s Footsteps

Just like his idol Virat Kohli, who also purchased a stunning new home, Shubman is following in the footsteps of his mentor. Kohli’s holiday villa, located in Alibaug, features impressive amenities including a temperature-controlled pool, jacuzzi, and large garden, reflecting the kind of success that motivates young talents like Gill.

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