PAN Card: The PAN card is a crucial document concerning identity and financial dealings in India. No work associated with banks or finances can be done without a PAN card. This is why, whenever you attempt to open a bank account or handle any tax-related tasks, the initial document requested is your PAN card. Now, let us understand the complete form of PAN and the source of Gandhiji’s picture that appears on the PAN card.

The PAN card represents the Permanent Account Number. In other words, a figure that can be associated with all your monetary dealings. This is why the government monitors all your financial transactions using your PAN number.

The image of Mahatma Gandhi displayed on the PAN card is identical to that found on Indian currency (rupee). These images were captured by a renowned photographer in 1946. The photographer’s name was Alfred Abel. It is thought that this image of Mahatma Gandhi appeared on Indian currency for the first time in 1996. Subsequently, it was employed in numerous other formal documents as well.

A symbol of Indian identity

Images of Mahatma Gandhi appear on both sides of the PAN card design, adding to its uniqueness. Indeed, Mahatma Gandhi is regarded as the father of the Indian nation, and his principles serve as a source of inspiration for all Indian citizens. This is why his image has been incorporated into the design to acknowledge his contribution and turn the PAN card into a symbol of Indian identity.

Security features

In addition, Gandhiji’s image has been incorporated into the PAN card as a security measure. In fact, this complicates the process of duplicating the PAN card, and its application aids in fraud prevention.