FD Account: Despite the numerous investment choices available, fixed deposits (FD) remain a popular option among people. As per RBI, the demand for term deposits among individuals is growing quickly. Statistics indicate that term deposits comprised 61.4 percent of total bank deposits in September of this year, up from 59.8 percent a year earlier.

Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of FD that contribute to its popularity

Putting money into a Fixed Deposit is not impacted by market changes, so your funds are safe from potential losses. In such circumstances, investing this way is preferable for individuals who wish to avoid risks. You will receive the same interest rate at the start of the fixed deposit when you reach the maturity amount. With this, you can quickly calculate your profits.

In addition, older individuals receive an additional .5% to 1% interest on FD compared to the general population. Senior citizens enthusiastically invest in it in such a scenario.

You have the option to select the length of FD based on your needs. The FD duration can range from 7 days to 10 years. Invest just Rs. to begin investing in it. Typically, there is no cap on the maximum investment amount when it comes to investing 1000.

Typically, FDs have a lock-in period, but in case of a sudden emergency, you can also request a premature withdrawal. Nevertheless, there is a fee required for withdrawing funds early. It differs among various banks. It may reach a maximum of one percent. It is simple to get a loan from the bank by using FD as collateral.

In case of an emergency, you can also meet your financial needs by taking out a loan. Typically, around 90 percent of the FD amount can be easily accessed as a loan. Typically, the loan’s interest rate is 1% above the usual rate.