The usage of credit cards is on the rise in the country. Simultaneously, Cashback Credit Cards have become favored by consumers because of their gratifying benefits on purchases. When you utilize a cashback credit card to purchase products or services, you receive a specific percentage of the total spent as cashback. Typically, the cashback sum is added to your credit card account. If you are considering obtaining a credit card, then here is some information regarding the 6 top cashback credit cards.


Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card


Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card Joining Fee is Rs 500 and Annual Fee Fee is also Rs 500. This card offers a cashback of 5% on spending on Flipkart and Cleartrip.


ICICI Bank Platinum Credit Card


ICICI Bank Platinum Credit Card offers 2 reward points on every Rs 100 spent excluding fuel expenses. There is no joining fee and annual fee.


SimplyClick SBI Card


The SimpliClick SBI Credit Card offers 5X reward points on online spending. Get 10X reward points on online spending with exclusive partners. You can earn 5X reward points on all other online spends as well.


SimplyClick Advantage SBI Card


The SimpliClick Advantage SBI Credit Card offers 5X reward points on online spending. Amazon Gift Card of Rs 500 is available on joining. Get 10X reward points on online spending with exclusive partners. E-vouchers worth Rs 1 lakh and Rs 2 lakh are available for online spending of Rs 1 lakh annually.


HDFC Bank MoneyBack+ Credit Card


The HDFC Bank MoneyBack Plus Credit Card offers 10X cash points on shopping on BigBasket, Amazon, Flipkart, Reliance Smart Superstore, and Swiggy. At merchant locations, 5X cash points are available on EMI transactions. You get 2 cash points for every Rs 150 spent on other expenses.

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