Credit Card Tips: In today’s world, the importance and need for credit cards are growing. Due to their excellent features, the demand for credit cards continues to rise. With a credit card, you can make purchases even when you don’t have money. Additionally, you get benefits like cashback and reward points on transactions. Many people have more than one card, and sometimes they close cards that are not used often. Today, we will discuss how beneficial or harmful it is to close a credit card that is not in regular use.

Disadvantages of Closing a Credit Card

  1. Impact on Credit Utilization Ratio
    Closing a credit card increases the utilization ratio of your remaining cards, which can negatively affect your credit score. Keeping the card active helps maintain a healthy utilization ratio and a better credit score.
  2. Decrease in Average Account Age
    Closing a card reduces the average age of your credit accounts, which may lower your credit score.
  3. Loss of Fee-Free Benefits
    If your credit card has no annual or renewal fees, closing it could be disadvantageous.
  4. Limited Financial Backup
    A card you rarely use could be helpful in case of unexpected expenses.

When Should You Close a Credit Card?

  1. High Fees and Low Usage
    If your card comes with fees and you rarely use it, closing it can be a wise decision.
  2. Difficulty Managing Multiple Cards
    If you find it challenging to manage many cards, consider closing a few as needed.
  3. Redeem Benefits Before Closing
    Always use up any reward points or cashback before closing a credit card to avoid losing benefits.

Tips to Maintain Your Credit Card and CIBIL Score

  • Pay Bills on Time
    Always pay your credit card bills before the due date. Late payments can negatively impact your CIBIL score.
  • Keep Credit Utilization Low
    Use only 30-40% of your credit limit. A high utilization ratio can lower your CIBIL score.
  • Avoid Minimum Payments
    Pay the full bill amount instead of the minimum payment to avoid interest charges and maintain a healthy credit score.
  • Monitor Your Credit Report
    Regularly check your CIBIL score and credit report for errors or discrepancies.
  • Avoid Frequent Card Closures
    Closing old credit cards reduces the average age of your accounts, which can harm your CIBIL score.
  • Limit Hard Inquiries
    Don’t apply for multiple credit cards or loans at once, as too many hard inquiries can affect your score.
  • Use Cards Responsibly
    Avoid overspending and manage your payments well to establish a positive credit history.