Rs 1 Old Note Sale: Old notes are in circulation nowadays. You can also get rich sitting at home by selling old notes. This is because the demand for old notes and coins continuously increases in the international market. This time is proving to be very profitable for lovers of old currency and coins because, recently, there has been a massive increase in the demand for old notes and coins.
In online auctions, some people charge up to lakhs of rupees for old notes and coins of one rupee or 5 rupees. You will be surprised that a one-rupee note is being sold online for Rs 200 to Rs 7 lakh. How much money you will get in exchange for a one rupee note depends on how old the one rupee note is.
These old notes are sold reasonably on online platforms like Coin Bazaar. It is being said that you can sell an old rupee note for about Rs 7 lakh in an online auction. The Government of India stopped printing one rupee notes about 29 years ago. Although they were reintroduced in 2015 during the Narendra Modi government, some special pre-independence notes are in great demand among collectors.
The one rupee note issued in 1935 is a rare British India note, which bears the signature of the then governor JW Kelly. This is about 80 years old note. If you also want to sell an old rupee note, you can participate in the auction on online platforms like Coin Bazaar and Quikr. But remember that the Reserve Bank of India does not officially allow purchasing and selling of old notes and coins.
Sell notes here
First, go to eBay, Coin Bazaar and Quikr websites and register as a seller.
Then click and upload a good photo of the note
After this, the customers will contact you themselves.
You can quickly sell it at the desired price.
For information, let us tell you that this article was published based on a viral post. The aim of is not to mislead anyone but to provide information to people. If you become a victim of fraud while selling notes online, you will be responsible for it yourself. RBI does not permit any institution to sell or buy notes.