Prime Minister Narendra Modi has introduced a new rooftop solar initiative aimed at motivating individuals to set up solar panels on their rooftops. The “PM Surya Ghar: Mufti Bijli Yojana,” which will involve an investment exceeding Rs 75,000 crore, is designed to provide up to 300 units of free electricity each month to one crore families. This initiative was initially revealed by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the Interim Budget for 2024-25.
Generous subsidies
In the Interim Budget for 2024-25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that substantial subsidies would be available for beneficiaries of the Rooftop Solar Scheme, with funds being directly transferred to their bank accounts. Additionally, subsidized bank loans will be offered. The government plans to encourage urban local bodies and panchayats to promote rooftop solar systems in their areas. This initiative is expected to generate more income, reduce electricity bills, and create job opportunities for the community. Under this scheme, solar photovoltaic (P) panels will be installed on the rooftops of homes or buildings.
How to apply
To become a beneficiary of this scheme, start by visiting the website to gather all the necessary information. You can apply for the scheme by following these steps on the website:
1. Select your state.
2. Choose your power distribution company.
3. Enter your electricity user number.
4. Provide your mobile number.
Step 2
Log in using your consumer number and mobile number. Fill out the form with the required details and submit your application for rooftop solar.
Step 3
Wait for your feasibility approval. You will receive a notification via email or message once your application is approved.
Step 4
After the installation is completed, submit the details of the solar plant and apply for the net meter.
Step 5
Once the net meter is installed, an inspection will be conducted by the discom officials. Following this, a commission certificate will be generated from the portal. Don’t forget to provide your bank account details and a canceled cheque. The subsidy will be credited to your bank account within 30 days.