A passport is one of the most significant documents globally. It not only grants you access to various countries but also acts as your identification while you’re abroad. In India, there are several types of passports, including the orange passport. Are you aware of who qualifies for this passport and when it is issued? Let’s explore!


In India, passports are crucial, and the government issues them in different colors to signify their types. Blue passports are for regular citizens, maroon ones are designated for VIPs, and white passports are for government officials traveling for official duties. Interestingly, there’s also an orange passport, which many people are unaware of, including its purpose and eligibility criteria.


What are the types of passports in India?

The Government of India issues a total of 4 types of passports. First- Blue Passport, Second- Orange Passport, Third- White Passport and Fourth- Diplomatic Passport or Maroon Passport. The colour of these passports is different so that ordinary Indians can be kept separate from government officials and diplomats and they can be easily identified by customs and passport checking officials in another country.


The Orange Passport

This particular passport was first introduced in India in 2018. According to Tata AIG, it is specifically issued to individuals who require immigration clearance and have an educational qualification below the 10th grade, or matriculation.


The orange passport is exclusively for those with less than a 10th-grade education who wish to travel abroad for work or relocation. Before traveling, holders must obtain emigration clearance, and the processing time for this passport is generally longer compared to a standard passport.

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