Solution of white discharge : White discharge is a nutrition of your bone. It breaks bones, squeezes bones. Nothing is left in your bones, weight will never increase.
Symptoms of White Discharge
Those who have problem of white discharge have big pits under their eyes, bones keep breaking, back pain, tingling sensation, itching, hair fall . Women are very troubled by white discharge but do you know that white discharge can be cured naturally too.
Remedies which are effective
You will know which home remedies are most effective to cure your white discharge problem at home. What is the reason of white discharge? Now we need to be alert.
Women are facing white discharge
There is a problem which about 60 to 70% women are facing, they have not told anyone till date, some have been 15 years, some have been 20 years and those who are taking medicines, they never got treatment. He even tried taking pills. Got relief for a few days, then it happened again, got relief for a few days, then it happened again.
know about your illness
Look, unless you don’t know about your illness, how will you find a solution for it and the one who doesn’t understand your illness will give you a solution.
Green Cardamom is effective
In this problem, green cardamom is a panacea for white discharge, it is Amrit. You have to eat two green cardamoms on an empty stomach every morning after waking up.
Try Banana remedy
The second thing is banana leaf kheer which works very well. Cut the banana leaf into small pieces, take a cup of milk and keep cooking it well, add a little jaggery and then take it before sleeping or once a day, it will start settling all your vaginal infections, itching, white discharge.
Women have been made aware about vaginal discharge, so that they can understand their health better and take appropriate action on any abnormal situation. This information not only gives them peace of mind but also makes them aware and active about their body.