Aadhar Card loan: Nowadays we have to go through minor financial problems many times. In such a situation, the process of taking a loan from the bank takes a lot of time. Sometimes it can take more than a week. But do you know that you can get a personal loan with your Aadhar card in just a few minutes. Today we will tell you about the process of taking an instant personal loan with Aadhar card.

Aadhar Card Personal Loan Details

You can get an instant loan of up to Rs 50,000/- online with your Aadhar card. Nowadays almost all government and non-government banks provide personal loan facility on your Aadhar card. There are also many mobile apps that give instant loans on Aadhaar. In this article, we will tell you about the process of taking a personal loan on Aadhar card through the official website of any bank.

Aadhar Loan Interest Rate

The interest rate on the loan given on Aadhar card is the same as other types of personal loans. Most banks charge interest rates between 10.50 percent to 14 percent on this loan. You can get information about the interest rates of different banks on the Internet.



To get a personal loan with Aadhaar card, you need minimum documents. Almost the same documents are required to get Aadhaar loan through any bank or mobile loan app. Generally, these documents are required for this – Aadhaar card of the applicant, color passport size photo, PAN card, residence certificate, income certificate, 6 to 12 months bank statement, bank account passbook etc.

Apart from this, for government employees, their employee ID and other details and for employees working in the private sector, their employee ID or employee identity card of the organization in which they work may also be asked.