Old 10 Rupee Notes are being sold for 10 lakh rupees, know how


Vikram Singh

10 Rupee Old Note Sell: In today’s time, people fond of antique things keep looking for such things all over the world which have some connection with history or it is very difficult to find them at present.

In this article, we are going to tell you about one such special note, by selling which you can earn up to lakhs of rupees, yes here we are talking about Sell 10 Rupee Peacock Note Online, the price of this 10 rupee note is in lakhs in the market today.

Special number printed on the 10 rupee note

If you have an old 10 rupee note with a unique peacock shape, then you have to keep in mind that a special serial number should be printed on it.

The special number written on this note must be 786 or 777, 555, 888, 333. The note with serial number 786 is considered very lucky for the people of the Muslim community.

Apart from this, people of the Jain religion give great importance to the note with the number 9, due to which this note is always in demand in the market and buyers are also ready to pay a good price for it.

In such a situation, if this special type of serial number or shape is made in the coins or notes deposited with you, then you can get up to 10 lakh rupees through it.

Facts to be ensured for selling the note

If you want to sell the 10 rupee note kept with you, then before selling it you have to keep some important facts in mind, such as

This note of yours should not be torn from anywhere.

The note must have a peacock shape on the back and a special serial number on it.

There should be no pen or ink mark on the note.

The color of this note should not fade at all.

There should not be any kind of stain or blemish on the 10 rupee note.

Make lakhs of rupees by selling 10 rupee notes

You can sell your old 10 rupee peacock-shaped notes on the platform for buying old notes online. These include online international platforms like eBay, Quiker, and Coinbazaar where you can complete the registration process and sell your note to the buyer for lakhs.

After registering and uploading photos on these websites, the buyers themselves contact you to buy the note.

How to sell these notes

First of all, you should find the official websites of platforms like eBay, Quiker, or Coin Bazaar.

Here you have to complete the registration process by clicking on Registration for Old Note Sell Online 2024.

After registration, you have to verify your mobile number by filling in your personal information.

Now your account will be created and you will be able to operate the website.

Here you will have to upload the photo of your 10 rupee note to be sold.

This photo of yours should be very clear and of good quality.

After this, you will have to enter the details of your note and provide the information.

Now you will also have to provide details like your mobile number and EMI ID.

In this way, the registration process for selling your note will be completed.

Vikram Singh के बारे में
Vikram Singh Vikram Singh is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative articles. He boasts 3 years of experience in the industry, tackling a diverse range of topics including personal finance, government schemes (Yojana), automotive news, technology trends, and the ever-evolving business landscape. Vikram's ability to adapt his writing style to cater to each subject ensures his readers receive clear and valuable information, regardless of the category. Read More
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