Heath Tips: Roti a part of Indian food. Although people in North India eat more rotis, while in South India they eat less. Many people cook them directly on the flame instead of a pan (tawa). This is common in many areas. Research has shown that cooking roti on direct flame can cause cancer. Let’s know about it.

According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science in 2018, cooking roti or any food item directly at high temperature increases the chances of cancer. Dr. J.S. Lee, J.H. Kim, Y.J. Lee participated in the study on “Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Food During Cooking” (report).

Doctors (report) say that cancer-causing compounds such as acrylamide, heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are also produced due to cooking at high temperatures. Apart from this, roasting meat on direct flame can increase the risk of cancer. However, doctors tell some tips to avoid this cancer.

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How to reduce the risk of cancer?

Prevent roti from burning:Make sure that the roti should not burn too much while cooking. Reduce the flame and turn the roti frequently to prevent it from burning. By turning it repeatedly, you can see that it is not burnt. It is advisable to remove the burnt black part before eating.

Eat less: If you like roti cooked on direct flame, then doctors advise them to eat less roti. For this Instead, it is advisable to include balanced foods in the diet.

Baking on a pan: It is recommended to bake the roti on a pan (tawa) instead of baking it directly on the flame. By doing this, the pan absorbs the high temperature. Cooking the rotis on a low flame helps. As a result, prevents the production of PAH and acrylamide.

Include these foods in the diet: Even if you eat a lot of roti, you are advised to include antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. These help reduce free radicals, oxidative stress and prevent cancer. That is why doctors say that these methods should be followed to avoid cancer.