Government’s big announcement for central employees, Salary will increase by 1% every year


Vikram Singh

GOVERNMENT PENSION SCHEME: It is often seen that pensioners have to face financial difficulties due to getting less pension.

In this era of rising inflation, it becomes difficult for them to live. Keeping this problem in mind, the Parliamentary Committee has recommended to the Central Government that pensioners should be given the benefit of an “additional pension” from the age of 65 years.

According to the current rules, the pension increases by 20% only after completing 80 years, but very few pensioners can survive till this age. In such a situation, this increase is of no use to them.

Two Proposals from the Parliamentary Committee on Additional Pension

Given the problems of pensioners, the Parliamentary Committee has given two proposals to the Central Government regarding additional pensions.

The first proposal is that the pension should be increased by 1% every year. At the same time, the second proposal is that if the government is not able to increase it by 1% every year, then the pension should be increased by 5% every 5 years.

Demand to Increase Pension for Pensioners

The Parliamentary Committee has also observed that many pensioners live a difficult life. Considering the current economic condition of the country, the current pension amount is very low.

The pension amount in India is very low compared to other countries. In such a situation, how will the pensioners be able to run their lives. Keeping this in mind, the Parliamentary Committee has sent a proposal in this regard to the Central Government.


How Pension Will Increase with Additional Pension

The Parliamentary Committee suggests that the pension of pensioners should be increased by 5% from the age of 65 years.

There should be a 10% increase in pension at the age of 70 years. At the same time, there should be a 15% increase in pension at the age of 75 years.

In this way, the pension should be increased by 5% every 5 years. If this is not possible, then the pension should be increased by 1% every year.

What is the rule now

According to the current rule, the pension increases by 20% after completing 80 years. After this, the pension increases by 30% in 85 years, 40% in 90 years, and doubles on completion of 100 years.

How Pension Will Increase Once Additional Pension is Implemented

According to the recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee, if the pension is increased according to the additional pension, then your basic pension will increase by 5% from 65 years. There will be an increase of 10% upon reaching the age of 70 and 15% upon reaching the age of 75.

What is the situation in other states

Some state governments are already giving more pensions to their pensioners. For example, the Himachal Pradesh government gives its pensioners an increase of 5% from 65 years and 10% on reaching the age of 70. Whereas in Rajasthan, the pension is increased by 10% after reaching the age of 75 years.

Vikram Singh के बारे में
Vikram Singh Vikram Singh is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative articles. He boasts 3 years of experience in the industry, tackling a diverse range of topics including personal finance, government schemes (Yojana), automotive news, technology trends, and the ever-evolving business landscape. Vikram's ability to adapt his writing style to cater to each subject ensures his readers receive clear and valuable information, regardless of the category. Read More
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