How to withdraw Money from ATM without debit card, here is the easy way



UPI Cash Withdrawal: Technology has changed our world a lot. With the advent of the internet and smartphones, our lives have become much easier. With the help of smartphones, we can do many big tasks while sitting at home in minutes.

Banking work has also become very easy with smartphones. Technology has also changed the way people withdraw money from ATMs. You must have noticed that whenever we go to withdraw cash from an ATM, we definitely take an ATM card with us, but you will be surprised to know that you can withdraw cash from an ATM even without an ATM card.

Many times it happens that we have to withdraw money from an ATM suddenly, and at that time we do not have an ATM card. We get upset.

In such a situation, some people withdraw cash by transferring money to someone else’s account or borrow money from a friend and transfer it to his account. But now you will not need to do anything like this. Today we are going to tell you a way by which you can withdraw money very easily anywhere, even without an ATM card.

If you forget your ATM card at home, you can easily withdraw cash from the ATM through the UPI app present on your phone. This facility was launched by the National Payments Corporation of India a long time ago.

How to Get Cash Without a Debit Card

first you have to go to the ATM To withdraw money from an ATM through UPI.

After going to the ATM, you have to select the UPI Cash Withdrawal option on the menu.

Now you have to enter the amount in the ATM, as much as you want to withdraw.

Now you will get a QR code on the screen of the ATM.

Now you have to open the UPI app on your phone. Scan the QR code shown at the ATM from the app.

As soon as you scan the QR code, money will be withdrawn from the ATM at the same time.

Keep this thing in mind.

If you want to withdraw money from an ATM through UPI, then you have to keep one thing in mind. Before withdrawing cash, confirm whether the UPI ATM transaction facility is enabled in your UPI app or not. Apart from this, the ATM from which you are withdrawing money through UPI should also be UPI enabled; otherwise, cash will not be withdrawn.

Sarita के बारे में
Sarita Sarita Singh brings over 8 years of media experience to From crime to entertainment, her writing captivates readers. Her journey started small, then blossomed at Rajasthan Patrika,, and News 24 Digital. Now, she thrives on diverse content creation at A master storyteller, Sarita's future shines bright. Read More
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