IAS Tina Dabi:The state government has once again given a big responsibility to Rajasthan’s most popular IAS Tina Dabi. In the transfer list released late night on September 5, IAS Tina Dabi has been made the District Collector of Barmer, the border district of Rajasthan. 

Earlier, she has been the District Collector of border district Jaisalmer (July 2002 to July 2023). Jaisalmer is the largest district in Rajasthan and the third largest district in the country with an area of 38,401 square kilometers.

Barmer district is also the second largest district in Rajasthan with a land area of 28,387 square kilometers. Both these districts share borders with Pakistan.

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Tina Dabi became collector again after becoming a mother

While being the District Collector of Jaisalmer, Tina Dabi herself had written a letter to the state government regarding her pregnancy that she should be given a non-field posting in the capital Jaipur. Her application was accepted and after that she gave birth to a son.

When Tina Dabi, who went on maternity leave, returned, the state government posted her as ECS commissioner. Now after becoming a mother, she has been made the collector again.

Responsibility of a big district for the second time

The people of Jaisalmer have not forgotten Tina Dabi, who became the collector of the border district Barmer. She was the collector of Jaisalmer for about a year. People are remembering the innovations done during her tenure.

During her tenure, when Pak displaced people were evicted from the encroached land, the then collector Tina Dabi made efforts for rehabilitation of the Pak displaced families. Her efforts bore fruit and the homeless Pak displaced families got homes.

Hundreds of families appreciated the efforts of Tina Dabi. Especially women expressed their gratitude to Tina Dabi. Now she has got the responsibility of Barmer district. In such a situation, the people of this big district are also very excited about Tina Dabi becoming the collector. The people of the district also have hopes of innovations.

IAS Tina Dabi’s husband Pradeep K. Gawande has also been made the District Collector by the state government. He has been appointed as the Collector of Jalore.

Both Jalore and Barmer districts are nearby. The government has given the responsibility of the surrounding districts to the husband and wife. The distance between the district headquarters of Barmer and Jalore is only 150 kilometers.

The distance from Barmer to Jalore or Jalore to Barmer can be covered in about an hour. Pradeep Gawande has also been made the Collector for the second time by the government. Earlier, he has been the District Collector of Churu from July 2020 to January 2021.

Tina and Pradeep got married in April 2022

Tina is the topper of the 2015 batch and she hails from Madhya Pradesh while Pradeep K. Gawande hails from Maharashtra. On 20 April 2022, IAS Tina Dabi and IAS Pradeep K. Gawande got married. In September 2023, a new guest came to Tina and Pradeep’s house. On September 15, Tina gave birth to a son. Preparations for the new guest’s first birthday are being done rapidly.