Old 1 rupee coin will make you a millionaire overnight


Sell old coins: Old notes and coins are in great demand these days. People who collect them are ready to buy them at such high prices. If you also have an old coin, then you can become a millionaire by selling it. Especially the old symbol of one rupee on which there is a mark of a cow’s earring, sells very expensively. Old 1 rupee coin and its specialty: This coin was printed in 1885 during the British rule. There is a mark of a one rupee earring on this coin. It was considered the most prominent coin during the British period. Today this coin is in great demand in the global market and it can be sold for lakhs of rupees. Method of selling old coins: If you also have such a coin, then you can sell it on the online portal. For this you have to take the following steps:

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Go to the Coin Bazaar (Coin Bazaar) website and register yourself and get registered as a seller.

Take a clear and clear photo of your coin, in which the marks are visible on both the front and back sides. Upload these photos on the website. If someone wants to buy this coin, he will contact you. In this way you can earn lakhs of rupees by selling your old 1 rupee coin. There are many other similar ways in which you can sell old notes and coins.

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