SUPREME COURT BIG JUDGEMENT ON PENSION: A government job not only gives respect but also provides financial security after retirement. The pension received every month acts as a lifesaver for retired government employees.

But do you know that recently an important decision of the Supreme Court has increased the pension of government employees tremendously. Let us know about this special decision in detail.

Support of government employees

A pension scheme is run in the country to keep government employees financially strong after retirement. Under this scheme, a part of their salary keeps getting deposited in the pension fund every month during the service period of the government employee.

Also, the government contributes to it. After retirement, the employee gets a part of the deposited amount as a lump sum and the rest as a monthly pension.

Big increase in pension amount

Earlier, the central government used to give only 30% of their last salary as a pension to its employees after retirement. But, after the recent order of the Supreme Court, this amount has now been increased to 50%.

This means that after retirement, government employees will get half of their last salary as a pension every month.

Minimum pension amount also increased

The Supreme Court has not only increased the percentage of pension amount but has also increased the minimum pension amount.

Earlier the minimum pension amount was ₹ 9000, which has now been increased to ₹ 15000. This decision is beneficial for those employees whose salary was less at the time of retirement.

Who will get the advantage of this increase

Employees working for at least 10 years in all the departments of the Central Government can avail the benefits of this pension scheme.

Also, if an employee dies, then his dependents also get the benefit of a pension. However, in case of death, the pension amount is only 30% of the last salary.

Vikram Singh is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative articles. He boasts 3 years of experience in the industry, tackling a diverse range of topics including personal...