Bihar Board 10th 12th Result 2025: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has started preparations for the results of Intermediate (Class 12) and Matriculation (Class 10) examinations for the year 2025. It is estimated that the result of Intermediate can be declared by the last week of March and the result of Matriculation can be declared by the first week of April.
When will the Bihar Board result be released:
Like the last 6 years, this time also the committee is preparing to release the result first. According to the official sources of BSEB, the result of Intermediate examination is expected to be released by March 24, while the result of Matriculation is planned to be released by April 1.
How many candidates appeared this time:
This time 12.92 lakh candidates appeared in the intermediate examination of Bihar Board. In which the number of boys was 6.50 lakh and the number of girls was 6.41 lakh. The examination was conducted from 1 February to 15 February at 1677 examination centers in the state. Talking about the same matriculation examination, the number of examinees in the matriculation examination this time was 15.85 lakh, in which the number of boys was 7.67 lakh and the number of girls was 8.18 lakh. The number of girls has been more than that of boys in the matriculation examination. The examination was conducted from 17 February to 25 February at 1677 examination centers in the state.
Digital technology is being used in evaluation:
Bihar Board Chairman Anand Kishore says that the evaluation process has been organized a lot to release the board’s matriculation and intermediate examination results on time. Bihar School Examination Committee is using digital platform so that the evaluation work can be done faster. All arrangements have been made to display in the evaluation work and no question marks arise and the confidentiality of the answer sheet is being maintained. The teachers doing the evaluation work do not know that from which area they are evaluating the answer sheet.
How to check your result:
After the result is declared, students can check the result by entering the roll code and roll number on the official website of Bihar School Examination Board or Regarding the results, Bihar Board has also warned the students to beware of fake websites. The board has advised the students to follow the notification and instructions of the board carefully.