Bihar Board 12th Result 2025: Bihar Board may soon release the result of BSEB class 12th. This information was already given by the board chairman Anand Kishore. Anand Kishore had said that the 12th results will be declared at the end of March. After the result is declared, students will be able to check it by visiting the official website of Bihar Board and To check the result of class 12th in Bihar Board, students will have to enter their roll number and date of birth
When will Bihar Board 12th result be released
Let us tell you that this year i.e. in the academic year 2024-25, a total of 12,92,313 students had registered for the exam in class 12th in Bihar Board. 1677 centers were made for the exam for these students. In this exam, 641847 girls and 650466 boys appeared for the exam. Now only a few days are left for the end of March. According to media reports, there are chances of the result being released by the end of this week. Its chances become even more when we look at the 12th results of the last 5 years.
Bihar Board 12th Result Last 5 Years Record
If we go to see the BSEB Inter Result Date, in 2020 the result was released on 24 March. Whereas in 2021 the result was declared on 26 March. Talking about 2022, the result was released on 16 March itself. In 2023 this result was released on 21 March and in 2024 the result came on 23 March. That is, if we look at the pattern of the last 5 years, the possibility of the result coming increases within a few days.