Bihar Board Inter Result 2025 : Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is going to declare the result of Intermediate Examination 2025 today, 25 March 2025 at 1:15 pm. This important announcement will be released by Education Minister Sunil Kumar and other high officials from the board office in Patna. Students can check their results by visiting the official websites and
When was the exam held?
The Bihar Board 12th examination was conducted between 1 February and 15 February 2025. About 12.92 lakh students participated in this examination. The examination was conducted at various examination centers across the state.
How to check your result?
To check the result, students can follow the steps given below:
1. First of all go to the official website or
2. Click on the link “Bihar Board 12th Result 2025” on the homepage.
3. Now enter your roll number and roll code.
4. Click on the “Submit” button.
5. Your result will appear on the screen, which you can also download or print.
What information to check?
After downloading the result, students must check the following information:
Student’s name
Roll number and roll code
Parents’ name
School name
Subject wise marks
Total marks obtained
Pass/Fail status
Division (First, Second, Third)
Official Notice Here –
How was the result last year?
If we talk about last year i.e. 2024, 87.21% students passed the Bihar Board Intermediate examination. Good results are expected this year too.
Other information related to the result
If a student finds any mistake in their result, they can immediately contact their school or the official helpline number of Bihar Board. Apart from this, if a student is not satisfied with his result, he can apply for scrutiny (re-evaluation).
Students are advised to check the result as soon as it is released and keep a print copy safe for future. We wish all the students a good result!