Bihar Board 12th Result 2025 : The wait of the students of class 12th under Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is going to end today, only a few moments are left for the result to come, the results of Bihar Board Intermediate Examination 2025 will be declared today, 25 March 2025 at 1:15 pm. Students can check their results by visiting the official websites and
How to check Bihar Board 12th Result 2025?
To check Bihar Board 12th result, students have to follow the steps given below:
1. Visit the official website – or
2. Find the ‘BSEB Inter Result 2025’ link on the homepage and click on it.
3. Enter your roll code and roll number.
4. Click on the Submit button, your result will appear on the screen.
5. Download the result and take a printout and keep it safe for future.
Apart from this, students can also get their result through SMS. For this, they have to write BIHAR12<space>ROLL NUMBER from their mobile and send it to 56263.
How was the Bihar Board 12th result last year?
The Bihar Board released the intermediate result on 23 March 2024. At that time a total of 87.21% students had passed the examination.
Arts (Humanities) Result 2024
A total of 85.3% students passed in the Arts (Humanities) stream.
The topper was Pooja Kumari, who scored 94.5% marks.
Most of the toppers of the Arts stream had scored high marks in subjects like Political Science, History and Geography.
Science Result 2024
A total of 86.5% students passed in the Science stream.
The topper was Mritunjay Kumar, who scored 96.2% marks.
On an average, more than 70% of the students passed with good marks in Physics, Chemistry and Maths/Biology.
Commerce Result 2024
A total of 88.2% students passed in the Commerce stream.
The topper was Priya Kumari, who scored 95.6% marks.
In the Commerce stream, the performance of students in Accountancy and Business Studies was better.
What will be the trend this year?
This year also, better results are expected like last year. Bihar Board has made the examination process digital and transparent in the last few years, which has reduced the chances of copying and irregularities. This time also the list of toppers will be released by the board soon.
Important information:
After the result is declared, if any student has any doubt in their marks, they can apply for rechecking or scrutiny.
The scrutiny process will start a few days after the result is released.
Students whose marks are not as expected can re-appear for their exam through compartmental examination.
Today is a very important day for Bihar Board 12th students. All students are advised to check their results only on official websites and not to click on any fake website or link.