How to Communicate Effectively – Improving Your Interpersonal Skills


Arvind Kumar Tiwari

Keep your message brief and to the point, which can make it easier for others to understand Be an active listener- Pay attention to body language, ask questions, and give encouraging verbal cues.

A leader’s ability to communicate clearly and effectively with employees, within teams, and across the organization is one of the foundations of a successful business.

Here are some ways to improve communication skills

Be clear and understand

Before engaging in any form of communication, define your goals and your audience avoid unnecessary words and overly flowery language, which can distract from your message.

Repeating your message can ensure that your audience receives it, but too much repetition can cause them to tune you out entirely.

Listen, listen, and listen

Ask for clarification to avoid misunderstood standings. Another important point is to have one conversation at a time. This means that if you are speaking to someone on the phone, do not respond to an email, or send a text at the same time.

Prepare ahead of time

Know what you’re going to do and probably how you are going to before you begin any type of communication. Before entering into any conversation, requests for additional information or clarification, and disagreements you are ready to address them calmly and clearly.

Body language matters

This is important whether talking face to face or on a video conference. This means that you should not cross your arms.

And keep eye contact so that the other person knows that you are paying attention. Body language is more important for communication skills

Watch your tone

How you speak has to do with what you say.

Tone can be an especially important factor in workplace disagreements and conflict When speaking, tone includes volume, projection, and intonation as well as word choice. Speaking is easier than writing. You can also gauge how you are speaking.

Create a positive organizational culture

The corporate culture in which you are communicating also plays a vital role in effective communication. Communicating with co-workers and employees is always going to present challenges.

There will always be misunderstandings and miscommunications that must be resolved and unfortunately, corporate messages aren’t always what we want to hear, especially during difficult times

Maintain a positive attitude and smile

Even when you are speaking on the phone, smile because your positive attitude will shine through and the other person will know it. When you smile often and exude a positive attitude, people will respond positively to you.

Communicating effectively is a teachable skill, therefore following a few of the tips outlined above will enable you to hone up
on your communication skills.
