Everyone has a different way of studying. Some understand how to study and some don’t. Keep trying until you find out what is the best way to study.

Here are some tips to help you study effectively.

1. Get Organized

Taking the time to get organized will set you up well and help you achieve your learning goals. Invest in a diary, and use it to keep track of current assignment deadlines.

Bring all the material and devices you need to class, so you can participate. You may find it helpful to pack your bag the night before, so you’re ready to go first thing in the morning.

2. Get a good night’s sleep

If you want to study well, keep a good sleep schedule and go to bed on time. What matters even more is getting enough sleep for several nights before you do most of your studying.

3. Listen to calming music

You can listen to any music you like, but many agree that tuning into classical, instrumental and lo-fi beats is one of the best ways to study and can help you pay attention to the task. Songs with lyrics can be distracting.

4. Don’t skip class

If you miss even one class, you won’t be able to study. So you shouldn’t miss class. Missing a class leaves you with no idea what to study next. It leaves gaping holes in your notes and in your subject knowledge.

5. Talk to your teachers and ask questions

Learning in a work-shop style class, you get the opportunity to know your teacher You may even be able to get a little direction on assignments before submitting. Your teacher will no doubt be impressed with your initiative and happy to help you.

6. Create a study plan and stick to it

A study plan will: motivate you to study, as you’ll have time dedicated to learning keep you organized , hobbies and other commitments, as you can plan ahead break your study load into manageable blocks to give you time to complete your assignments, ensuring they’re not rushed or last-minute.

7. Test Yourself

Getting someone to quiz you or quizzing yourself is great retrieval practice. This learning technique helps you commit information to your long-term memory and easily retrieve it when needed.

Recalling an answer to a question improves learning, as does writing down that answer you’re committing it to memory

 8. Join a study group

One of the best ways to study is to share the experience with another person. It can be beneficial to find a study buddy or even form a study group with like-minded students