JEE Main Admit Card 2025:Two new options that include Name, roll number, paper, and center details are all included on the JEE Main Session 2 Admit Card. Important exam-related information are also included on the invite card. Candidates should carefully review these guidelines. Additionally, candidates must show up for the exam according with the guidelines. The test starts on April 2, 2025.
The City Slip for the JEE Main Session 2 Exam is now available. Candidates are currently awaiting the admission card, which is expected to be made available on March 29, 2025. This is due to the official schedule’s announcement that the exam’s admission cards would be accessible on the web three days beforehand. Given that the exam will begin on April 2, 2025, it can now be released just three days prior to the exam, on the 29th. Candidates can get the admit card from the official website at when it becomes available.
On April 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9, 2025, the National Testing Agency administered the Joint Entrance Examination Main. The schedule states that Paper 1 (BE, BTech) will take place between April 2 and April 8, 2025. At the same time, on April 9, 2025, Paper 2 (BArch, BPlanning) will take place. There will be two shifts for this exam. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. is the first shift, and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. is the second.
To download the JEE Main Session-2 Exam Admit Card, simply follow the steps provided given.
Candidates should first visit, the official website.
On the homepage, you can now click on the “JEE Main Session 2 Admit Card 2025” link.
You will then be taken to the login page, where you will need to enter your captcha code, password, and application number.
The page will display your JEE Main Session 2 Admit Card 2025 once you have entered the right information.
Examine the admit card now, download it, and print it off for your future reference.
It is important for candidates to remember that their admission card is an important requirement for the exam, and they will not be allowed to take it without it. Thus, keep this in mind. In addition, candidates will need to present an official photo ID. Candidates may bring any document under this, such as a passport, voter ID card, or Aadhar card. Following the conduct of this test, a provisional answer key will be made available. The applicants will then have the chance to express their opinions.