Railway Technician Result: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has declared the result of Technician Grade 3 Computer Based Test (CBT) on 19 March 2025. Candidates who have appeared in this exam can check their result by visiting the official website of the respective regional RRB.
Vacancy Details
Through this recruitment process, RRB aims to fill 9,144 technician posts, out of which 1,092 posts are for Technician Grade I Signal and 8,052 posts are for Technician Grade III.
Exam and Answer Key Details
This computer-based exam was conducted between 20 December to 30 December 2024. The provisional answer key was released on 6 January 2025, and the last date to file objections was 11 January 2025.
Document Verification and Medical Test
Candidates who are successful in the written examination will be called for Document Verification (DV) and Medical Test. The call letter for DV will contain the venue, date and time. After DV, candidates will be sent for medical test at designated Railway Hospitals on the next day.
Candidates selected for DV will have to submit all their original documents along with two sets of self-attested photocopies (in A4 size) as mentioned in the CEN and e-call letter. Candidates are advised to keep a regular check on the official website of their respective regional RRBs for updates. Make sure you keep all the required documents ready for document verification and medical test. Also keep checking your email and SMS notifications for all future information.