UGC Notice: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a notice to warn students about fake universities. The commission has issued a warning to students against institutions granting degrees in violation of the provisions mentioned in the UGC Act. Let us know what notice UGC has issued against fake universities.
These colleges will not be valid
UGC emphasized that only universities or institutions established under a State Act, Central Act or Provincial Act or institutions registered as per the UGC Act, 1956 are authorized to grant degrees. The commission said that degrees awarded by such universities or colleges which are not in accordance with these Acts and Rules will not be valid for the purposes of higher education or employment.
UGC Notice About Fake University
It has come to the notice of UGC that many institutions are awarding degrees contrary to the provisions of the UGC Act. The Commission issued a notice saying that the degrees awarded by such universities/institutions will neither be recognized nor considered valid for jobs. The University Grants Commission has appealed to all the students to inform the institute they are planning to go to.
Inform UGC
Also, in the notice issued, UGC said that any person can inform the commission about any university or institute providing academic programs violating the Act. Any person can send information about such institutes to UGC at So that the concerned institute can be investigated and appropriate action can be taken on it.