Pushpa 2 Breaks Box Office Records: ‘Pushpa 2 The Rule’ has rocked the box office and crossed the Rs 1000 crore mark in just a week. Allu Arjun’s film has achieved record-breaking success, and at an event held in Delhi, Allu Arjun thanked his fans. While talking to the media, he said he is at a loss for words for this love. This success is not only his but the victory of the whole country. Let’s tell you the success story of this superhit film and its star, Allu Arjun.
Allu Arjun thanked everyone for his first reaction. He said, “First, I would like to thank the government for supporting the film industry. This is a huge love; thank you, India. This is not just our victory; it is the victory of the whole country.
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A film that is being celebrated in so many states is very special. I want to say this not only as Pushpa Raj but also as an Indian: India is the world’s future. India will lead the whole world in the times to come. This success would not have been achieved without your love.”
Allu Arjun mentioned his film Pushpa 1’s hit dialogue ‘Jhukega Nahi’ and said it was his favourite moment. Now, ‘Hargiz Jhukega Nahi’ in Pushpa 2 has rocked. In the future, ‘Ab Rukega Nahi’ will be promised in Pushpa 3. Allu Arjun also said that this dialogue has become an inspiration for the commoner.
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When Allu Arjun was asked that you advise men never to bow down, but in Pushpa 2, you make even the Chief Minister bow down on your wife’s behest, so what should we do now? On this, he joked and said, “I will tell all 38 crore husbands to listen to their wives and bow their heads in front of them. Heads should be bowed in front of women.”
Allu Arjun also talked about the development of the film industry. He said, “I want Pushpa 2 to break all records, but I would like that after 6 months, even if it is not my film, all the records of Pushpa 2 should be broken. This is progress, this is how India will be recognized. This is development, and I like it.”
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Pushpa 2 broke all records.
Pushpa 2 broke all records in just seven days of its release, which no one could have imagined. The film’s earnings are unmatched in India. Apart from Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil also play essential roles in the movie. This historic success of Pushpa 2 is being discussed everywhere.
After the success of Pushpa 2, now Pushpa 3: The Rampage has also been announced, giving the audience an even more exciting experience. The story of Pushpa 3 is ready to make an even bigger bang. With the film’s announcement, the audience’s expectations have also increased.
The impact of the success of Pushpa 2
The success of Pushpa 2 is not limited to the earnings of just one film, but it has given a new direction to Indian cinema. The film has given a global identity to not only Bollywood but also South Indian cinema. Allu Arjun’s acting has made this film an entertainer and a symbol of culture.
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Pushpa 2: The Rule is not only a big film but has also become a symbol of historic success. Allu Arjun’s fantastic performance and the film’s amazing storyline and dialogues have made it a new milestone in Indian cinema. The audience is eagerly waiting for Pushpa 3, which will make this journey even more exciting.