Rachna Tiwari Stage Dance Viral: Many great dancers in the Haryanvi industry have increased everyone’s heartbeat with their dance and killer moves. In such a situation, the first name that comes to people’s tongues is Sapna Choudhary.

However, these days, the one who has caught the audience’s attention is not Sapna but Rachna Tiwari, who has blown the fans’ senses. By the way, people enjoy Rachna Tiwari’s dance and bold moves a lot.

Any of her performances creates a stir among the audience. Recently, a new video of Rachna Tiwari surfaced, and her beauty and bold dances caught everyone’s attention. In it, she is seen dancing fiercely to the Haryanvi song “Aaj me to tabaah machaungi.”

Rachna Tiwari’s beauty and tremendous dances in a tight Patiala suit have made everyone crazy. This is not the first time this has happened.

When the craze of Rachna Tiwari’s dances is so much on fans’ heads, this stage dance video has created a ruckus on social media. If you haven’t seen this Fadau dance video of Rachna Tiwari yet, you should watch it here.