The decision on the regular bail of actor Allu Arjun in the case related to the stampede incident during the premiere of the film ‘Pushpa 2’, in which a woman died tragically, will now be taken on January 3. Allu Arjun, who came into the limelight after this incident, appeared in the Nampally Court of Hyderabad on Friday through video conferencing. He has been named as accused number 11 in this case and has filed a petition in the court for regular bail.

Allu Arjun’s arrest and judicial custody

Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13 in this case. After the arrest, he was sent to 14 days of judicial custody. His custody period ended on Friday, due to which he had to appear in court. However, this time, he appeared through video conferencing. The court adjourned the hearing on his bail plea till January 3.

Case registered after the incident

After this stampede incident, a case was registered against Allu Arjun, his security team and cinema management under various sections of the Indian Penal Code at Chikkadpalli police station on the complaint of the family of the deceased woman. The police took the matter seriously and named several accused after a preliminary investigation.

Pawan Kalyan reacted

Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan made a strong statement regarding this incident. He said this matter, which could have been quickly resolved, has become a significant problem. He praised Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s leadership and said he does not work like the YSRCP government. At the same time, he defended the police and said they are always ready to protect the public. Pawan Kalyan also said that the cinema staff should have already informed Allu Arjun about the situation inside.

No concrete decision has been made regarding Allu Arjun’s regular bail.The court has fixed the next hearing date as 3. Meanwhile, all aspects related to the incident are being thoroughly investigated.

This case is not just an incident but also highlights the importance of responsibility in the film world and society. Now, it remains to be seen what decision the court will make on January 3 and what further action will be taken in this case.

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