South superstar Suraiya’s much-awaited film ‘Kanguva’ is making record-breaking earnings in advance booking even before its release. According to reports, the film has so far earned ₹92.67 lakh by selling 51,978 tickets from the Tamil version alone. If the blocked seats are also included, its total advance earnings have reached around ₹2.31 crore. This film is going to prove to be a new milestone in South Indian cinema, and there is tremendous enthusiasm among the audience about it.

Preparations for the grand release of the film ‘Kanguva’ are in full swing. The film’s producer, G. Dhananjayan of Studio Green, said in a recent press conference that the film will be released on more than 10,000 screens, with more than 700 screens in Tamil Nadu alone. The film will be released on more than 2,500 screens in South India and 3,000–3,500 screens in North India.

Both 2D and 3D versions of “Kanguva” will be available.

We are releasing ‘Kanguva’ in both 2D and 3D formats to enhance the audience experience. This film features Suraiya in a dual role, portraying both Kanguva and Francis Theodore. The film has an army of veteran actors along with Suraiya, which includes actors like Bobby Deol, Disha Patani, Natarajan Subramaniam, Jagapathi Babu, Redin Kingsley, Kovai Sarala, and Anandraj.

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The trailer for the film and the attractive looks of the star cast have already raised the excitement among the audience to the peak. Fans are becoming more curious with each new news story about ‘Kanguva’.

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