South superstar Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ has created a stir at the box office. Released on December 5, this film has set new earnings records not only in Indian cinema but also at the global level. The pair of Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna is once again ruling the audience’s hearts. Even after 32 days of release, the film’s pace has not slowed, and now its 5th Sunday collection has come out. Let’s know how many crores this blockbuster film earned on the 32nd day.

‘Pushpa 2’ made a place in the 1200 crore club.

The craze for Pushpa 2: The Rule is loud among the audience. The film is loved more by Hindi-speaking audiences than by South Indian audiences. So far, it has earned Rs 791.2 crore in Hindi.

The film earned Rs 10.65 crore from paid previews alone. On its opening day, it made a record-breaking collection of Rs 164.25 crore at the Indian box office.

On the 32nd day, i.e. 5th Sunday, the film earned around Rs 7 crore.

The film’s total earnings have been Rs 1206 crore, and this trend continues.

Pushpa 2 Day-Wise Collection

Day Collection (₹ Crore)

0 (Paid Preview) 10.65

1 (Opening Day) 164.25

2 83.50

3 78.75

4 60.20

5 53.30

32nd Day (Sunday) 7

Total (till now) 1206

The main reasons behind the success of the film

Allu Arjun’s strong acting: Allu Arjun captivated the audience with his decisive action and dialogue.

Sukumar’s direction: Sukumar has made the film a masterpiece, and every scene thrills the audience.

Gripping Music and Storyline: The songs and background score of the film make everyone groove.

Pushpa Brand: The success of the first part raised the audience’s expectations, which ‘Pushpa 2’ was wholly fulfilled.

Will ‘Pushpa 2’ create new records?

Given the film’s momentum, it likely will soon cross the 1500 crore mark. The audience’s love and positive word-of-mouth are helping the film reach greater heights.

Have you watched ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’? If not, don’t miss this fantastic cinema experience!

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