The craze for South Indian films is also increasing in North India. In early 2025, another blockbuster, South Film, will attract an audience to the cinemas. Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s much-awaited film Game Changer, considered one of this year’s biggest films, will be released on January 10, 2025. It was to be released in 2024, but its release date had to be postponed for some reason.

The news of the fees of the producer and cast of the film has also been a topic of much discussion. Let us know in detail about the fees for Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, and director Shankar for this film.

How much did Ram Charan charge for ‘Game Changer’?

The lead actor in Game Changer, Ram Charan, charged around Rs 65 crore. According to a report, his fees were even higher before the film’s release date was postponed, but he cut costs afterwards. However, his charge is still relatively high for a big-budget movie.

How much is Kiara Advani’s fee?

Kiara Advani, who plays a vital role in this film, has charged around Rs 5 to 7 crore for Game Changer. According to the South film industry, her role is also essential, and her fee is considered significant.

How much did the director of the film, Shankar, charge?

The director of this film, Shankar, whose style of direction is quite popular, charged around Rs 35 crore for it. However, Shankar also cut his fees due to the delay in the film’s release. After the film’s production cost increased, Shankar reduced his fees to balance it.

The total production cost of Game Changer is around Rs 450 crore. The film’s songs also cost a lot of money. Four songs were shot, and about Rs 75 crore was spent on their production.

This figure shows that the filmmakers are paying special attention to the songs’ quality and visualization. This budget is also discussed on social media because spending such a big budget on songs is a big deal.

This action thriller by Ram Charan features decisive action scenes, an interesting story, and outstanding visualization. The story and acting are ready to create an atmosphere of excitement among the audience. There is tremendous discussion about the movie on social media, and everyone has high expectations.

Looking at the film’s budget and the actors’ fees, it can be said that Game Changer will perform well at the box office. Withitss tremendous action and star cast, the audience will flock to the theatres to watch it. In addition, bookings can also start early, making this film headline-worthy before its release.

Game Changer is a film about which there is a lot of excitement among the film industry and the audience. The film’s star cast, director’s fees, and high production costs will inspire the audience to watch this film. If you are a fan of action and thriller films, then Game Changer can be an excellent option for you this January.

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