Cyber ​​Scammers Action : The government has taken major action against cyber scammers and thousands of WhatsApp numbers and Skype IDs have been blocked. This information has been given by Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Bandi Sanjay Kumar in Rajya Sabha. Through them, we got information about the methods adopted by the government and government agencies to save people from cyber scammers and how many thousands of rupees have been saved.

Recently, cases related to digital arrests and site scams have increased. Cyber ​​scammers related to digital arrest call people by posing as fake officers from fake law agencies and fake police officers. The scammers scare and intimidate people and also threaten them with arrest. Then they loot lakhs of rupees from people’s accounts. In such a situation, the government has taken a big action against these scammers.

The government identified them through Skype ID and WhatsApp number and blocked them. All this information has been received from Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Bandi Sanjay Kumar in Rajya Sabha. The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs told in the Rajya Sabha that 83,668 WhatsApp accounts and Skype IDs were identified and blocked by the Indian Cyber ​​Crime Coordination Centre (I4C). This account and ID were included in the digital arrest scam.

Side fraud cases have increased so many times in 2 years

The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs told the Rajya Sabha that cyber crime in India has increased almost three times in 2024 as compared to 2022. The minister received details of the National Cyber ​​Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP). In this, he told that 39,925 cases have been registered in the year 2022 and people have been cheated of about Rs 91.14 crore. This is data till February 28. In the year 2021, Citizen Financial Cyber ​​Fraud Reporting and Management System was launched which comes under I4C. It works to prevent money from being defrauded through financial fraud.

How many crores of rupees were saved

According to the Union Home Minister in Rajya Sabha, more than Rs 4,386 crore looted in cyber fraud was saved. Get information from them that you can call toll free number 1930 to register helpline and complaint related to cyber fraud etc. Partnership was done with Department of Telecommunication under I4C against cyber scammers and then Caller Tune Campaign was launched.