It is the time of Holi when you must have had fun with colors and water. Did your phone get wet incidentally in the midst of some fun? It could have slipped from your hands, or someone might have splashed water on it. If your smartphone is water damaged, just relax! You don’t need to shop for a new one. Some very simple tricks may just save it.

Water could do horrible damage whence it gets inside a phone that interrupts its functions terribly. But if you react fast enough and follow the right procedures, you can save the phone from permanent damage. Here’s what needs to be done.

What to Do If Your Phone Gets Wet?

The earlier, the better-the chances of saving your phone.

Turn Off Your Phone Immediately

Where water touches the handset, instantly switch it off! If it stays switched on while the phone is wet, a short may form in the phone, causing permanent damage. Press that power switch and shut it down immediately!

Remove SIM Card and Memory Card

Once the phone has been switched off, take out the SIM card and memory card. These too could get damaged by water; hence, take them out gently and let them dry separately.

Dry the Phone

Position the phone in a dry, airy space. Avoid blowing hot air on the phone using a hair dryer or heating device since this generates excessive heat, leading to damage inside the phone. Opt instead for placing it in a cooling breeze in front of a fan or on its side in front of an open window.

Use Rice for Moisture Absorption

One of the best tricks is putting the phone in uncooked rice. Rice dries out all moisture, which can help with getting rid of any water inside the phone. Keep the phone inside an uncooked rice bag for at least 24 hours for better results.

Avoid Common Mistakes

One common mistake is switching the phone on too soon. Avoid pressing on anything or shaking the phone, as this may cause the water to go deeper inside. Furthermore, do not place the phone under direct sunlight, as the high temperature can adversely affect the battery and display.

Try switching your phone on after 24 hours; if it comes on, that’s terrific! If it doesn’t, please take it to the closest service center instead of buying a new phone. Water damage may not necessarily mean a death sentence for your phone—putting your plan into action quickly can save your device and money!