TRAI Warning Scam: If you use social media platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Instagram, you should be. People are also being defrauded through these platforms. Fraud cases have increased rapidly over the last few days, and most scams have been registered on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has more active users, making it an attractive target for cybercriminals. Meanwhile, a new fraud has come to light.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has recently issued a warning for mobile users. TRAI has advised users to avoid a dangerous scam. This scam is being done in the name of free mobile recharge. This scam has been spreading quickly for the last few days, and thousands have fallen victim to it. TRAI has advised all users to stay alert.
In the scam, attackers send a message and claim that this message is being sent on behalf of TRAI. This message mentions free recharge. Apart from this, such messages are mostly sent with the help of SMS or WhatsApp. There is also a link in the message, on clicking which the users are taken to a fake website. In this way, their personal and sensitive information is sought on the website.
Users are also asked for their name, address, mobile number, bank account number, and OTP. When they share these details, scammers use the information to withdraw money from their bank accounts.
TRAI has made it clear that they have not made such an offer. These messages are being sent by scammers who want to steal users’ personal information by hacking their devices. TRAI has also clarified that they never offer free recharge to users with the help of SMS or WhatsApp. Users have been told not to trust any message that offers free recharge. Also, do not make the mistake of clicking on any unknown link.