Vivo Y15 was launched in India last year. The smartphone was made available in two color variants – Agate Black and Dawn Gold. At the same time, now after almost a year, the price of this phone has been reduced. From an offline retail source Vivo Y is now being sold for Rs 16,999, not Rs 17,499.

Yes, now the price of this phone has been reduced by Rs 50,000. Today the company has expanded its product portfolio on the tech platform by introducing another new smartphone. The company has launched Vivo Y15 in the low-budget 5G segment, which can be called a midrange phone.

Vivo Y15 Display and Processor

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The phone has a 6.58-inch FHD+ 90Hz refresh rate display. Apart from this, the smartphone supports a Snapdragon 680 processor, which is based on a 6nm chipset.

Talking about the features and specifications of the Vivo Y15 phone, it will have an HD + LCD with a 6.51-inch screen. The phone has a resolution of 1600 × 720 pixels. This phone has a refresh rate of 60 Hz.

Vivo Y15 Storage and Battery

The phone comes with 8GB RAM and 8 GB virtual RAM support. Also, 128GB storage is provided for storage. Vivo Y15 smartphone has a 5,000 mAh battery. It also has AI power-saving technology.

With one full charge, the phone can deliver: up to 2 days of standby, up to 14.3 hours of online HD movie streaming, and up to 7.05 hours of graphics-intensive gaming.

Vivo Y15 OS

The phone comes with a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. It works on FunTouch OS 12 based on Android 12. The phone comes with 44W flash charging. The phone has a 5000mAh battery for power backup. Vivo Y15 also comes with Multi Turbo and Ultra Game Modes for immersive gaming.

Vivo Y15 Camera and Connectivity

Vivo Y15 is equipped with a triple rear camera setup consisting of a 50MP main camera with a large sensor along with a 2MP Bokeh and a 2MP macro camera. There is a 16MP front camera for selfies. This phone is not a 5 G-supported phone and it has connectivity.

Vivo Y15 Pros and Cons


  • Huge battery life.
  • Comes with 44W fast and reverse charging support.
  • Funtouch 12 custom UI.
  • Dedicated micro SD card slot.
  • Tall IPS LCD with 90Hz refresh rate.

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  • Without NFC support.
  • No 4K video recording support.
  • Gyro-EIS support is missing.
  • The latest Android 13 OS is missing in the 4G variant.
  • Single storage and RAM to choose from.

Vivo Y15 Price

The Vivo Y15 phone has been launched in three variants. These three variants support 4GB RAM + 128GB Storage, 6GB RAM + 128GB Storage, and 8GB RAM + 128GB Storage, which are priced at 1199 Yuan, 1399 Yuan and 1499 Yuan respectively. According to Indian currency, it is around Rs 14,000, Rs 16,500, and Rs 17,500. Vivo Y15 can be purchased in Black, Gold, and Blue colors in India.

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