The basil plant holds a sacred place in Indian culture, but did you know that basil seeds are also considered a boon for health? Basil seeds, also known as Sabja seeds, Falooda seeds, or Tukmaria seeds, are considered important in Ayurveda due to their medicinal properties.

Elements like fiber, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, iron, and magnesium present in them can provide many health benefits to your body. Basil seeds not only improve the digestive system, but they also provide relief for problems such as increased immunity, weight loss, and colds and coughs. Please let us know what the benefits of regular basil seed consumption are.

Benefits of basil seeds

It aids in weight loss.

Basil seeds can prove to be very beneficial for weight loss. These seeds are rich in fiber, which helps to burn fat faster by increasing metabolism. Apart from this, the alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids present in it are also helpful in burning fat. To implement this remedy, boil basil seeds in water, filter the resulting water, and then consume it hot. For better results, consume this water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Strengthen immunity

Basil seeds strengthen your immune system, allowing you to avoid getting sick again and again. They contain antioxidants that shield your body from free radical damage, promoting the health of your body cells. These seeds also contain flavonoids and phenolics, which aid in relieving colds and enhancing immunity. To do this, you can make a decoction of basil seeds and consume it.

Improve digestion

Basil seeds are rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system to function smoothly. These seeds are capable of relieving constipation as well as gastric problems. If you are suffering from digestive problems, you can consume basil seeds.

Treatment for a cold and cough

Basil seeds also provide relief from colds and coughs. Their antioxidant and antiviral properties protect the body from infection and strengthen the immune system. To get rid of a cold and cough, it is beneficial to make a decoction of basil seeds and drink it.

Stress and anxiety relief

Consumption of basil seeds can also prove beneficial in relieving mental stress and anxiety. Their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help keep your brain calm and improve mental health.

Method of consuming basil seeds

Sabja water: Soak one teaspoon of basil seeds in water for 5-10 minutes. When the seeds swell, you can filter them and drink.
Falooda: You can use basil seeds in Falooda drinks. This will not only make the drink tasty, but it will also be healthy.
Decoction: You can make a decoction of basil seeds and consume it with cold and sore throats.


Tulsi seeds have more than just religious or cultural significance; they are also beneficial for your health in many ways. With regular consumption, these seeds can help control your weight, strengthen the digestive system, boost immunity, and provide relief from common problems like colds and coughs. By including them in your daily diet, you can benefit from better health.


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