We are often sold expensive products and treatments to get rid of annoying impurities and get clear skin. These are certainly effective for some, but effective care doesn’t necessarily have to cost anything. Sometimes, all it takes is a little initiative and a few effective hacks from experts to get you closer to fine pores and an unmistakable glow. With these free beauty tips, you can ensure a radiant, clear complexion.

How do I get clear skin?

Clear skin requires a combination of proper care, healthy nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. A daily cleansing routine is crucial to remove excess oil, dirt and makeup. Gentle cleansers and products without harsh chemicals help protect the skin barrier. But just as important is a balanced diet with plenty of water, little sugar and healthy fats to support the skin from within. This is also the first step for hormonal acne. Sufficient sleep, stress management and sun protection contribute significantly to a clear complexion.

The best free tips for clear skin

Now that you know the causes, you can start actively working towards clear skin. These are the most important tips that cost nothing:

1. Beauty tip: change your pillow

A clean pillow is an absolute beauty game changer. Bacteria, dirt and oil from your hair, skin and the environment can quickly accumulate there. So make sure you change your pillowcase once a week to prevent impure skin. It is even better if you sleep on a pillow with a silk cover rather than a cotton cover . The soft structure is much gentler on skin and hair.

2. Beauty tip: Sleep on your back

Who would have thought that our sleeping position affects the appearance of our skin? It is actually worth turning onto your back more often at night. The more often you press your face into the pillow while sleeping, the more susceptible your skin becomes to blemishes and small wrinkles.

3. Beauty tip: Skip makeup

The skin needs to breathe sometimes, which is why we should give it a break from makeup every now and then – probably the simplest hack for healthy and clear skin. It’s actually best to save powder, eyeshadow, and lipstick for events or special occasions; otherwise, go topless. Your skin will thank you!

4. Beauty tip: wash your hands

Since the capital “C” it should have become clear how important it is to wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. Not just for health reasons, but also for the sake of our skin. Over the course of the day, bacteria from cell phones, door handles, etc. collect on our hands – so you can imagine what happens when we touch our faces. Hello, impurities!

5. Beauty tip: Working with ice

Getting rid of red, inflamed pimples by simply squeezing them? Not such a good idea! Instead, we recommend holding an ice cube to the affected area to reduce inflammation. With a bit of luck, the pimple will quickly become smaller and less noticeable.

6. Beauty tip: Clean brushes

Makeup brushes are also a breeding ground for dirt, bacteria and oil, promoting inflammation and blemishes. That’s why you should clean them regularly with mild hand soap and warm water.

7. Beauty tip: Dry with a paper towel

And that brings us to the towel, which, like pillows and makeup brushes, can collect everything that is bad for your skin. If you are currently struggling with impure skin, it is advisable to use a paper towel instead of a regular towel to dry your face after cleansing.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to Timesbull.com, where her work spans a variety...