In these days when a strong immune system is more important than anything else, it is possible to talk about cold-pressed vegetable juices as the most natural and easiest  immune supporter , rich in vitamins and minerals  . In this article, we will talk about the miraculous effects of cold-pressed vegetable juices and how to prepare them, with their benefits extending to alkaline cells.

What is Cold Pressed Vegetable Juice?

First,  let’s start by explaining what the process called cold pressing is . Cold pressing is the name given to the cold shaping of a material without applying heat treatment. In cold press vegetable juicers, vegetables are squeezed without losing their rich nutritional value with the help of a high-pressure hydraulic press; this method also prevents oxidation by minimizing contact with air

What is the Difference Between a Juicer and a Vegetable Juicer?

Unlike solid vegetable juicers, cold press juicers  do not use knives , instead vegetables and fruits are crushed and their pulp is removed. Since there is no risk of oxidation,  the beneficial enzymes in the vegetables do not burn. Since it produces much less pulp, you preserve most of the beneficial nutrients in the vegetables, so  it contains 6 times more  enzymes, minerals and vitamins than solid vegetable juicers. In addition, while you should consume the vegetable juice you squeeze with solid vegetable juicers immediately, you can store your cold press vegetable juice  in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours  . Still, we recommend consuming it on the same day to benefit from its content as much as possible.

Why Consume?

As is known, when it comes to vegetables in particular, one of the points that experts insist on is that we can get the most benefit  by consuming vegetables as raw as possible  . As vegetables are exposed to heat treatment, the vitamin values ​​we will get from foods also decrease. In the alkaline nutrition principle recommended by doctors for a longer and healthier life, which has been talked about a lot lately, vegetables take the first place, especially raw vegetables. However, it is not possible to consume all vegetables raw, and it is not very possible to eat the amount of vegetables that you can consume by juicing vegetables in one sitting. Cold-pressed vegetable juices are also a health storehouse  as they are rich in  antioxidants and  fibers . Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause inflammation in the body  , while their rich fiber content makes our microbiota healthier  with probiotics, which are vital for intestinal health. From this perspective, it would not be wrong to call cold-pressed vegetable juices a kind of  elixir of youth  . You can also use the pulp you obtain after juicing your vegetable juice in healthy recipes.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...