How to Start Meditating: Meditation is a spiritual truth and it takes us on a unique journey. It is such a journey that will change your life. This journey will take you to the limit of knowledge and happiness.

What is meditation in reality? What are the benefits of meditation? Why should we meditate? And we want to give you all this information.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the ultimate limit of concentration. In meditation, we take our consciousness to different parts of the mind. Meditation gives us the ability to come out of the trap of intellect.

The transformation of meditation It is like self realization, self philosophy, personal experience, meditation also cannot be described in words, everybody should try every possible way to know about self meditation, what is the meaning.

The meaning of meditation is the difference in our every thought throughout the day, i.e. we try to increase unity above our seed or root. The aim of meditation is to recognize our soul and gradually increase its labour and reach God.

Types of Meditation

Meditation is of two types

  • Sakriy
  • Nishkriy

Sakriy Meditation (Active meditation)-

Sakriy Dhyan happens when a person follows his daily tasks, walks, speaks, eats etc. Actually the aim of yoga is that a person can remain in a state of meditation even in the midst of work in normal life.

This is active meditation. All active meditation can be practiced through passive meditation.

Nishkriy Meditation (Passive Meditation)-

In Passive Meditation, meditation is practiced by sitting in a posture. The aim of Passive Meditation is to focus the continuously moving mind on one point. Passive Meditation is started by focusing on an image and its ultimate goal is to unite the soul.

Benefit of Meditation

Balanced consciousness-

With the power increased by this knowledge, we can remain healthy and happy without stress. Our power increases a lot. Meditation is our consciousness. Nothing else comes towards ourselves. With meditation, we consciously balance our body.

From the mind we reach the brain, from the brain we gain knowledge, from knowledge we reach to the self and even further. For meditating we have to stop all the activities of our body like seeing, moving, speaking and thinking.

Increase in power in this-

Thousands of people are practicing meditation in salons for spiritual purpose, emotional purpose and physical purpose but the question arises that how your body gets set from the scientific point of view. Meditation actually changes the size of your brain.

Getting rid of bad habits-

Another benefit of meditation is that it helps you to control bad habits. From a study done in 2015, we came to know that there is a part of the brain which we call dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and meditation makes it grow and this path is directly related to our bill power.

Heart becomes strong-

The next benefit of meditation which is related to health is that meditation is very good for our health. In a study, it was found that meditation reduces the C-reactive protein level of our blood which is directly beneficial for our heart.

And the problem of heart disease is reduced to a great extent in those people who meditate daily. And from this study, it was found that blood pressure is also reduced by meditation.