Do not ignore the pain in the upper part of the stomach, it can be a symptom of this serious disease. Nowadays, due to wrong eating habits, excessive fat has started accumulating in the liver, due to which the problem of fatty liver is increasing.

When fat increases in the cells of the liver, the liver becomes fatty and diseases start occurring inside the body.

How Eating habit is bad ?

Our eating habits have the greatest impact on our health. Bad lifestyle gives rise to many diseases in our body, which has a very deep impact on our health.

All these part of body affected

Due to eating habits, liver, stomach, hands and kidneys are affected. Due to wrong eating habits, fat starts accumulating in our liver and the problem of fatty liver starts.

Fatty liver problem due to dietary disturbances

Fatty liver can be detected through tests. If fat is accumulating around your stomach, then you may have acne and skin problems on your face. The color of the eyes and skin becomes yellow, you feel excessive fatigue and weakness and black spots appear on the face.

There are many types of fatty liver.

There are different grades of fatty liver. If liver related problems are seen, then it can be a symptom of fatty liver. If tea is stopped for 1 month, then the liver problem will improve rapidly.

How to cure fatty liver

★ Tea made from cardamom and coriander works as a medicine for the liver.
★ To make this tea, grind some coriander leaves and two cardamoms and now heat two cups of water in a vessel, add the ground mixture to it.
★ Boil till one cup remains, then filter it and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, this will give you relief soon.

Benefits of drinking coriander cardamom tea

Drinking tea made from coriander and cardamom has many benefits in the body. Digestive power increases with coriander. Coriander contains a lot of antioxidants which are good for the liver. Coriander water is also helpful in controlling sugar. The vitamins and minerals found in coriander keep the liver healthy.

To cure fatty liver, we should use things rich in vitamins and minerals in our diet, which will give you relief soon.